Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hi again everyone,

Firstly I should update you on how 'The Lilith Charm' is going. So far over 700 visitors have stopped by to check it out, which is great. Also really grateful to in the US who have listed 'The Lilith Charm' on their site as a novel to read:

I am extremely pleased to announce that for the fourth year in a row a poem of mine, called "I'm Going to Christmas", is going to be featured in the online advent calendar published by Christmas Magazine: This is a wonderful website, please visit!

My latest article for Focus was on Taize worship services. Very interesting! I am not writing as frequently for them any more due to my studies, but keeping my hand in!

Studies going well. I have what is called a 'confirmation seminar' in March of next year, which is a presentation which, if all goes well, confirms my status as candidate and moves me onto the next level so to speak. Working on the proposal that goes with this seminar, so far so good.

I have as yet not been able to get back to writing my fiction. Missing writing, a lot, and have dabbled in a Doctor Who script just for fun, but still hoping to get back to the novel about Lionel Johnson before the year is out. This has also been complicated by the fact that I have had another novel idea pop into my mind, this one far more relevant to the PhD. Like Fidelis, my first novel, this would be a mystery centred on the figure of Pontius Pilate, but this would be a murder/mystery set in Pilate's time, at Caesarea Maritima, the administrative centre of Judea. Still working on an outline for this latest one, but very excited about it.

Otherwise, all going well and looking forward to the Christmas season. Hopefully I will be hopping on here before then!



Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi again everyone,

Well a lot has happened since I last posted last year. The primary thing I guess is that I am now a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland! I was tossing up whether to go back to the school of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics or perhaps do a PhD in creative writing. In the end all the signs were pointing towards doing the former and it gives me the possibility of enhancing my credentials to write historical novels anyway, as well as possibly achieving an academic career in this field, both options literally dreams of mine!

The short story Quarter to Oblivion was very well received on Antipodean SF. At the beginning of this year I had started writing two major projects, a historical novel set in the 1890's in Victorian London and Munich, based around the poet Lionel Johnson, and a young adult novel set in the early 1960's in Belfast. Both have been put on hold for now while I am concentrating on my thesis, but I hope to get to a place this year where I can devote some more time to them. The one set in the 1890's is a particular labour of love for me and I would love to complete it before too long.

The Lilith Charm has gone great guns, much better than I expected, with 500 readers already accessing it online. A fantastic progressive christian company which promotes progressive fiction is interested in letting people know more about it, and have suggested I look into perhaps placing it on Amazon Kindle for sale, which I am looking into.

Otherwise still writing for Focus and enjoying my new studies!
