Sunday, January 9, 2011

NEW YEAR - 2011

Hi everyone,

I have now taken down The Lilith Charm from its blog home. After 800 visitors I have decided to begin submitting to agents and publishing houses etc, seems like there is an audience out there for it!

Writing an article at the moment for Focus about Progressive Christianity in Brisbane. Should be in February issue.

The Christmas break was great in that, having a little break from Uni, I was able to sit down and see where I am 'at' with my other projects. The YA novel, Ferry Folk, will hopefully be written by the end of the year and the location for the story is probably going to change. The historical novel has taken a major shift in a new direction but one which will relate far more to the PhD so that should work out well.

My PhD continues to gather momentum, with my confirmation seminar in March. Very scary but will be glad when this first milestone is reached and I can just concentrate then on writing the thesis proper and not worrying about proposals etc.

So there you are, busy but all good!
