Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hi Everyone,

Well I am in the middle of writing my second novel. It is tentatively titled 'The Devil's Journal', though another possibility is 'Lilith'. I am about 25 000 words in and confident I will make my target word length. I am currently working on the historical sub-plot of the book which required quite a bit of research but I am happy with the results. Anyway, will keep this blog informed as to when it is finished.

Last week I sold another copy of 'Fidelis'. Sales have not gone through the roof by any means, but I feel that it served a fantastic purpose to learn more about what it takes to write a novel. I still think back to the lessons learned while writing 'Fidelis' as I am writing this one.

The literary magazine which will be publishing a short story of mine called 'Salute' in its first edition should be up and running soon. An artist has drawn two illustrations to go along with the story and I have seen them both. They are very good and should add the right feel to the story. Again, will post here once it is up.

That is about all for now. I do have two short stories, one called 'Numen's Sign' and one called 'Pieta' which are in the submission process at the moment and I will let you know if these are successful in gaining publication.
